Poetry Reader for Russian Learners
ISBN: PB: 9780300184631, Yale University Press, July 2015
248 pp., 28,0x21,6 cm, 12 black&white illus.
Through the poetry of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian authors, including Pushkin and Akhmatova, "Poetry Reader for Russian Learners" helps upper-beginner, intermediate, and advanced Russian students refine their language skills. Poems are c...
27.50 GBP
Russian-English Dictionary of Idioms
ISBN: HB: 9780300162271, Yale University Press, February 2014
1376 pp., 22,9x15,2 cm
This is the most innovative, comprehensive and scholarly bilingual dictionary of Russian idioms available today. It includes close to 14,000 idioms, set expressions and sayings found in contemporary colloquial Russian and in literature from the ninet...
120.00 GBP
Russian Full Circle A First Year Russian Textbook
ISBN: HB: 9780300182835, Yale University Press, October 2013
352 pp., 25,4x20,3 cm, 30 black&white illus., 60 colour illus.
"Russian Full Circle" is a fresh approach to the Russian textbook. Deliberately "bare-bones" in its design, this textbook allows instructors to deliver in one academic year a full first-year Russian language curriculum. It consists of ten lessons tha...
70.00 GBP
Advanced Russian Through History
ISBN: PB + CD: 9780300109474, Yale University Press, January 2007
264 pp., 25,4x20,3 cm, 5 maps, 8 photos
"Advanced Russian Through History" is a Russian reader for intermediate and advanced students of Russian and heritage learners of Russian. The book consists of 36 chapters focusing on the history of Russia, from Kievan Rus' to the post-Soviet era. Ea...
PB + CD:
47.00 GBP