Field Guide to the Connecticut River From New Hampshire to Long Island Sound
ISBN: FLEXI: 9780300264203, Yale University Press, April 2024
448 pp., 21,6x13,8 cm, 752 colour illus.
The first comprehensive natural history guide to the Connecticut River and its environs, with more than 750 illustrations. The Connecticut River, New England's longest and most historic river, originates in northern New Hampshire and wends more tha...
25.00 GBP
Fires of Life Endothermy in Birds and Mammals
ISBN: HB: 9780300227161, Yale University Press, August 2019
384 pp., 23,5x15,6 cm, 60 black&white illus.
This pioneering work investigates why endothermy, or "warm-bloodedness", evolved in birds and mammals, despite its enormous energetic costs. Arguing that single-cause hypotheses to explain the origins of endothermy have stalled research since the 197...
30.00 GBP
Great Apes A Short History
ISBN: HB: 9780300221374, Yale University Press, February 2018
336 pp., 23,5x15,6 cm, 25 black&white illus.
This insightful work is a compact but wide-ranging survey of humankind's relationship to the great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans), from antiquity to the present. Replete with fascinating historical details and anecdotes, it traces...
22.50 GBP
Field Guide to Long Island Sound Coastal Habitats, Plant Life, Fish, Seabirds, Marine Mammals, and Other Wildlife
ISBN: PB: 9780300220353, Yale University Press, March 2017
416 pp., 20,3x12,7 cm, 1200 colour illus.
A lavishly illustrated and long-overdue guidebook to the rich natural history of Long Island Sound and its coastlines, a region beloved by millions of people. Long Island Sound consists of a diverse collection of unique marine, estuarine, and terres...
22.50 GBP
Elephants on the Edge What Animals Teach Us about Humanity
ISBN: PB: 9780300167832, Yale University Press, November 2010
352 pp., 23,4x15,6 cm, 32 black&white illus.
Drawing on accounts from India to Africa and California to Tennessee, and on research in neuroscience, psychology, and animal behaviour, G. A. Bradshaw explores the minds, emotions, and lives of elephants. Wars, starvation, mass culls, poaching, and...
18.99 GBP