Ukraine Rising
Contemporary Creative Culture from Ukraine
For sale in Balkans only!
In the last decade, Ukraine has emerged as a hotbed of contemporary creativity, showcasing impressive contributions in fields such as interior design, fashion, architecture, photography, and art. The young Ukrainian creati...
35.00 GBP
Spray on Walls
For sale in Balkans only!
Graffiti is a form of free expression of human. Modern graffiti came into being and peaked during the 20th century, with youngster establishing their identities and artists yearning to convey their opinions. This book star...
29.95 GBP
Art and Utopia
In 1970, Marcel Broodthaers claimed that Mallarma is the source of all contemporary art. Those words serve as a departure point for the exhibition and catalogue, Art and Utopia. Based on Marcel Broodthaers's interpretation of and Mallarma's influence...
16.00 GBP