Concrete Lines
The Model as a Way to See
ISBN: PB: 9788862422284,
Prestel Publishing,
Lettera Ventidue,
September 2017
72 pp., 22,0x22,0 cm, colour illus., language: English / Italian
72 pp., 22,0x22,0 cm, colour illus., language: English / Italian
The Architect Kuno Mayr has developed a way of working on reality in which the rigorousness of his process manifests itself first in the model. Through a long and laborious procedure, overlooked things are saved from abandonment and neglect so as to...
16.99 GBP
Grande Atlantico
Cargo Ship Stories
ISBN: HB: 9788862420167,
Prestel Publishing,
Lettera Ventidue,
January 2010
96 pp., 24,0x16,0 cm, colour photos
96 pp., 24,0x16,0 cm, colour photos
The smell of naphtha fuel in the air, nostalgia clenched to the banister – the ship Grande Atlantico smokes under immense skies, which clear up and cloud over as she voyages from Buenos Aires to Hamburg, stops at Paranagua, Santos and Rio. Crossing t...
17.99 GBP