Lafayette We Are Here!
ISBN: PB: 9781915054685, Legend Times Group, University of Buckingham Press, May 2022
256 pp., 21,6x13,8 cm
6th June 1918 saw more American soldiers fall on French soil than the famous 1944 D-Day landings. Why is this fact so little known? As well as providing a detailed account of this funereal episode, "Lafayette We Are Here!" looks at the reasons behin...
9.99 GBP
These Englishmen Who Died for France 1st July 1916, the Bloodiest Day in British History
ISBN: PB: 9781800310872, Legend Times Group, University of Buckingham Press, February 2022
256 pp., 21,5x14,0 cm
On 1st July 1916, the Bay of Somme was the scene of the deadliest day in British military history. What happened there? Englishmen, Scotsmen, Irishmen, Welshmen, Canadians, South Africans, Australians, New Zealanders – many soldiers from Great Brita...
9.99 GBP
Death in the Ardennes 22nd August 1914: France's Deadliest Day
ISBN: PB: 9781800310896, Legend Times Group, University of Buckingham Press, October 2021
256 pp., 21,7x14,0 cm
27,000 French people were killed on 22nd August 1914, the bloodiest day in French history. This is four times more than at Waterloo, and as many in total as during the eight years of the Algerian War. Even more than the Battle of the Marne, Verdun o...
9.99 GBP