ISBN: PB: 9781800174535


July 2024

128 pp.

21,6x13,8 cm

12.99 GBP


Why Are You Shouting?

Longlisted for the Read Russia Prize 2018; Shortlisted 2020
Shortlisted for The Ledbury Forte Poetry Prize 2018
Longlisted for The International Dylan Thomas Prize 2018

"Why Are You Shouting?", James Womack's fourth Carcanet collection, thinks about two things in particular: our struggle as individuals to find connections between ourselves, with friends, family and lovers, and the efforts we make as groups to connect to the environment we live and die in. Written in the shadow of the climate crisis and the pandemic years, the poems set out to find points of hope and solidarity, against a common backdrop of disruption and collapse to which we are often wilfully blind. Alongside these concerns runs a narrative of personal blindness and self-enchantment, a willingness to allow oneself to be misled in order to have a quiet life. If the collection's title suggests that raising one's voice is the readiest way to reach other people, the poems themselves dare to offer quieter solutions, too: there is space for humour and kindness, even a degree of positive thinking about the state the world is in. The ghost of Cassandra, the Trojan princess given the gift of prophecy but condemned to have no one believe her words, haunts the collection: her life is a warning, but also an antidote to willed ignorance.

About the author

James Womack was born in Cambridge in 1979. He studied Russian, English and translation in St. Petersburg, Reykjavik and Oxford. He currently lives in Madrid, where he teaches at the Universidad Complutense and is co-editor of the publishing house Nevsky Prospects, which produces Spanish translations of Russian literature. Amongst others, he has translated works by Alexander Pushkin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Boris Savinkov and Silvina Ocampo. A selection of his poems appeared in "New Poetries V: An Anthology" (Carcanet, 2011).